Transformative Actions Program (TAP)

The Transformative Actions Program (TAP) led by ICLEI is a project pipeline and a project preparation facility representing approximately 100 projects and EUR 3 billion investment potential.

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Verified by ICLEI
Sep 23rd, 2021


The Transformative Actions Program (TAP) led by ICLEI is a project pipeline and a project preparation facility representing approximately 100 projects and EUR 3 billion investment potential. Projects in the pipeline can benefit from TAP services offered by ICLEI and partners aiming to support low-carbon and climate-resilient local projects to become bankable and access finance.

TAP is a global initiative to support local and regional governments transform their net-zero emission and resilient development infrastructure concepts into mature, robust and bankable projects ready for financing and implementation.


Assistance Criteria

Projects applying to TAP have to fulfill the following criteria:

  • Submitted by local and subnational governments, or their partners (as long as
    the local / regional government is a key stakeholder in the project);
  • The project has been/ is expected to be discussed and approved in the municipal
    council or similar level of decision making body and a resolution approving the project has been adopted or is forthcoming;
  • Seeks funds for infrastructure investment (excluding the development of plans,
    educational/awareness campaigns, public policies design, etc.);
  • Climate project with the goal to accelerate net zero and climate-resilient development (objectives resulting in mitigation and/or adaptation to climate change activities)

When eligibility criteria fulfilled, projects are screened based on their transformative impact potential:

  1. Ambitious: mitigate GHGs emissions; increase the ability to adapt to the impacts
    of climate change; foster climate resilience; support local and national sustainable
    development priorities (specifically SDGs 11 and 13);
  2. Cross-cutting: population calculated to be benefited and potential scaling opportunity to reach more people; optimization of the local resources use; multiple sectors considered, using an holistic and integrated approach;
  3. Inclusive: local and regional governments’ coordination to ensure project co-design; engage communities, citizens and local stakeholders; demonstrate benefits for gender, youth and vulnerable communities.

The scoring goes from 0 to 100 percent and projects scoring higher than 80% can bear the TAP Seal of approval and become part of the project pipeline.

Projects must be submitted by a local or subnational government, or a partner where the local government is a key stakeholder, be for a hard infrastructure project, and have transformative impact. For more information, visit this page.



As ICLEI has no funds on its own, the amount of support provided depends per funder with Technical Assistance typically between  EUR 100,000 – 500,000.

Average support time: Until the project shows interest and commitment.

Application Process

Projects are mobilized through annual calls via the TAP website, using the CCFLA harmonized application form including additional set of questions on their transformative impact. The form is available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese and is downloadable from the website after registration. The TAP call opens on 1 March 2024 and applications can be submitted to the e-mail account.

Typical application approval time: 2-3 Months